Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Brief Note On Race Based Health Disparities - 935 Words

Race-based health disparities are believed to exist because African Americans have poorer access to care, receive lower quality healthcare treatment, and have generally poorer health outcomes than whites. In addition, African Americans also receive poorer pain treatment. More than 116 million Americans suffer from chronic pain which effects all races, yet multiple studies have indicated that African Americans and other minorities suffer disproportionately compared to whites in terms of the pain management therapies they receive. Less prevalent and less effective pain management are often attributed to caregiver bias, cultural differences, physiological differences or some combination of things. Most importantly this disparity highlights the need for improved training for healthcare providers and education for patients to help them receive better pain management treatment. This deficit in pain management is important because chronic pain can have significant widespread consequences which include the inability to work and provide family income, increased risk of depression, severe illness, street drug abuse and death. Despite the widespread availability of pain medications, African Americans are significantly less likely to receive adequate pain treatment. Race has a profound influence on pain experience and the ability to seek treatment (Mossey). A population based survey showed that 27% of African Americans over the age of 50 reported having severe pain most of timeShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion Among Black or African Population Gcu1095 Words   |  5 PagesHealth Promotion Among Black or African American Population [Your Name] Grand Canyon University: Family-Centered Health Promotion(NRS-429V) January 10, 2016 Health Promotion Among Black or African American Population The Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2015) notes that â€Å"Starting in 1997, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires federal agencies to use a minimum of five race categories: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska NativeRead MoreA Brief Note On Environmental Racism Of Los Angeles1623 Words   |  7 Pageshistory of racial division of its land. The city of angeles continues to favor elites at the expense of the minorities. 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