Monday, April 27, 2020

Black Death Essay Topics - Whats Your Best Answer?

Black Death Essay Topics - What's Your Best Answer?The Black Death was a horrible plagues which originated in Central Europe during the fifteenth century. Historians have argued for many years as to why this pandemic swept through Europe and others in this manner, as well as how the disease came to be transported so easily from one country to another. It is believed that with the movement of the Black Death, pestilence was carried from one area to another, with the dead carrying the disease from the past to the present.When writing an essay on this topic, it is necessary for history students to study all the different accounts, though it can become rather tedious. For one thing, there are so many of them to write about and do some research on, as well as writing through many different historical periods. Historians agree that the plague, or 'Black Death' as it is commonly called, took the lives of millions upon millions of people. However, because of the disastrous effects of the dis ease, historians argue for centuries over who was to blame.It's not much of a mystery however why the plague took so many lives; it seems that it was in the minds of the populace that the more people they killed, the better the chances were that they would escape the death of the plague, which would stop their advance. Also, it's been argued that the Black Death was something to be feared and looked upon with dread, since people feared death and sickness more than death and plague. It is argued that this fear of death and illness gave rise to a wave of paranoia that grew out of this fear, which gave rise to events such as the Reformation, the Thirty Years War, the Puritan Reformation, the Great Fire of London, and the English Civil War.What makes writing history essay topics, like this for a history student really difficult is the fact that it is difficult to establish facts when researching this topic. Just because we think a certain event is true, it doesn't mean that factually, i t's absolutely untrue. This is the reason why historians argue for centuries on the events, along with the lives lost and those who have suffered from the plague.Then again, as with all events in history, there are countless books and films that make you question things, and to one extent or another to point out holes in any story. So, when writing an essay on the Black Death, history student must look into any possible flaws and come up with ways to take into account any discrepancy that has been brought up by the creator of the subject material. If this is done, then the student has no problems because at least the essay is honest. Of course, what is dishonest may be entirely in the reader's imagination.Then again, one could always ask the original historian and ask him to explain what is simply not known about the event, and this would probably give them the answer they're looking for. Of course, this may not prove the historian's point, but it could help to balance out the argum ent, and if the original historian himself provides the answer, then the essay is not necessarily crooked. It could also be argued that the original historian was not in any way responsible for the explanation and probably put together the story as he/she saw fit. So it's up to the student to argue for his/her point of view and see if his/her answer goes any further than the original interpretation.Because it is impossible to prove, many believe that the Black Death is a part of our past, and that it is somehow evil. History tells us that the plague was horrible and horrendous, but it's difficult to tell whether it was caused by the Arabs, the Turks, or someone else. In any case, history is written by the victors, so the Black Death was definitely an evil plague that was carried across borders, which unfortunately happened to the best of us.

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