Friday, February 28, 2020

Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster, genetic cross Research Paper

Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster, genetic cross - Research Paper Example This basic level of research upholds the future of genetic research and leads into exciting new discoveries for the future. Introduction: The insect species known as Drosophila melanogaster, or the fruit fly, is an extremely valuable model for genetic research. Both current and historical discoveries have been made using fruit flies. Research on gene function all the way up to the Nobel Prize-winning level has been performed using these insects (Mummery, Wilmut, Stolpe, & Roelen, 2010). One famous example of historical research is that of Thomas Hunt Morgan of Columbia University in the early 20th century. Morgan had been hoping to study spontaneous mutation, but instead found something far more useful: he was the first to understand sex-linkage in hereditary traits (Kandel, 2000). Fruit flies are so valuable as research models in part because of the peculiarity of animal evolution that resulted in the genetic structure of the fruit fly being similar to much more complex animals such as humans (Mummery et al., 2010). Because of this, developmental and cellular growth activities are very similar, and results learned from Drosophila melanogaster can be extrapolated into research potential for other organisms. Their rapid generation time and small size mean that while other organisms could be extrapolated in the same way, fruit flies are ideal for laboratory work in a way that rodents or larger mammals are not. They are also commonly used because the sequencing of their genome is functionally complete, making research into gene function more efficient. Once a gene sequence is known, it is easier to follow that gene through breeding and determine its function (Celniker et al., 2000). The most basic level of fruit fly genetic studies involves crossing and observing the results of visible phenotypic mutations. The most obvious of these phenotypic mutations involve the wings, as these are easily seen under low levels of magnification. Of these obvious wing mutations, the most easily identified is the apterous phenotype. Flies possessing the apterous phenotype completely lack wings and are flightless. Examples of the various wing mutations can be seen in Figure 1 below. Fig. 1 Drosophila melanogaster wing mutations. 1 = notch, 2 = delta, 3 = vestigial, 4 = antlered, 5 = curled, and 6 = apterous (Shevchenko, 1968) Since this mutation is so easily identified, it reduces the chance of observational error when counting the results, and so the apterous mutation is the one being studied in this experiment. The apterous phenotype is recessive, and a cross between these apterous flies and the wild-type is a simple monohybrid cross. Therefore, using Mendel's laws as a guide, the F2 generation of this cross is hypothesized to produce a ratio of wild-type to apterous flies of 3:1 (Flagg, 1981). This is the null hypothesis. Conversely, the alternate hypothesis is that the ratio will be something other than 3:1. Materials and Methods: The materials used in th is experiment were pure-bred wild-type Drosophila melanogaster, pure-bred apterous Drosophila melanogaster, plastic culture vials and stoppers, food media made from Formula 4-24 Instant Drosophila Medium, used for fly growth, breeding, and storage. For the counting and observation portions of the experiment, the materials needed were an ice water bath, petri

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Compensation System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compensation System - Essay Example take place in different plans like weekly or monthly payment of wages, economic loss compensation, payment of medical expenses and compensation to the dependants of a killed employee in the work place. Compensation of loss which occurs as a result of employee negligence does not take place in many jurisdictions. There many workers compensation systems which ensure that all employees have received their rights of compensation as stipulated in the Statutory. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LSA) cover all employees in the maritime industry. The Jones Act provides compensation and protection of seamen (Lee, 2009). Another program is called Federal Coal Mine Health Safety Act which covers people working in mine industries. It provides compensation to the miners who develop lungs complications. Veterans Administration is another program which provides compensation to people with complications and disabilities not related to their services (King, 2007). In case of disability insurance, an organization should provide weekly payment of wages. This will enable employees to care for medical and family expenses. The employee will receive money weekly, and this can help in quick recovery through receiving a favorable medical care. The company providing weekly payment can incur loss because of payment of processing fee each week instead of making a single payment. Economic loss compensation can be made for past and future loss (Max, 2012). Many people have provided wrong information about loss claim in order to get compensation in this plan. In case of health insurance, employee receives compensation for medical bills. This compensates workers when they develop a complication while providing services (Duke, 2010). The last plan is compensation of the dependants of employees who die in the work place. There same instances in which a person can not receive a compensation. When individual suffers as a result of negligence he/she does not get compensation from any